The Practice of Creativity

Posts Tagged ‘authors

Hi creative peeps,

I’m super excited to tell you all about my number one resource for creating success & abundance in your business!

I’ve been a creativity coach and published writer for fifteen years and have had to learn a wide variety of skills besides writing to be successful. Let’s face it, most successful writers over time have to learn how to run a small  business. Many writers expand into providing services to other writers and creatives which requires adopting an entrepreneurial mindset. 

Most writers and creatives though feel underprepared in managing the business part of our lives. 

Help is here and it is called Leonie Dawson’s Brilliant Biz and Life Academy!

Leonie Dawson’s Brilliant Biz & Life Academy is absolutely packed full of courses, workshops, workbooks and MORE. There’s SO much goodness in there & SO many ways it can help you & your business (actual or aspirational) buuuut doors are closing verrrrry soon!

So if you’ve been thinking of joining THE essential program for peeps wanting to start or grow their business… you need to act QUICKLY.*

It’s genuinely the most affordable, comprehensive & deliciously useful invention around for entrepreneurs!

Who is Leonie Dawson and Why Do I Like Her So Much?

Leonie Dawson is an amazing artist and creator. In her early 20s Leonie was already being featured as a dynamic creative entrepreneur and winning awards for her art and business. I first learned of her work during the early 2000s, as she was featured in several books by my mentor Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy aka SARK. 

I’d been on her newsletter list for over a decade and always felt inspired by her work. During the pandemic, I signed up for several of her courses (40 Days to Create and Sell Your E-course, Money, Manifesting and Multiple Streams of Income, Marketing Without Social Media) learned TONS and have become a super fan. 

Her courses helped me to create and launch my Chart Your Path to Publication e-course that has been financially successful and a joy to administer. And, I have implemented ideas from her other courses that has made running my coaching practice a dream. 

The other thing I appreciate about learning from Leonie is that she makes learning about entrepreneurship FUN. She lives her values as a feminist, neurodivergent person, philanthropist, and champion of LGBT, diversity and inclusion issues. These values are reflected in what she teaches, how she teaches and the guest teachers she invites into her program.

I also value the community that she creates to support creative entrepreneurs. 

Currently it’s ONLY NINETY-NINE BUCKS per year… for over $5,000+ of Leonie’s powerful, proven & popular business, marketing & creativity programs.

So… What do you get? Honestly it’s probably easier to ask what DON’T you get, because Leonie has you totally covered!

You see what I mean about generous? 🤯


And there’s MORE:

She’s got programs on money, burnout, decluttering, how to sell (her Sales Star is one of the best programs ever, especially for folks who think they hate selling).

Need to finish that book or e-course that you’ve been wanting to do forever?
No problem-she’s got you covered!

And these aren’t quick & dirty programs haphazardly put together for the sake of looking like the Academy is full. No no no. Leonie has been creating these courses since 2018 (and creating courses in general since 2008 – she is the eCourse Goddess!!!) and they’ve been bought by literally THOUSANDS of happy customers. You can read some of their words here!

These are powerful, proven and popular programs that are incredibly comprehensive, all for $99US a year. As sooo many of Leonie’s students (including me!) say: These give just as much & even more value than $2,000 programs! So please don’t miss out on joining, because you’ll be missing out on SO much more than just a membership. You’ll miss out on connection, accountability, fast-tracked growth, business success and some of the deepest belly laughs you’ve ever had.

In three words? Totally worth it.

It’s time we make miracles happen!

*You have until November 30th before her prices rise.

***this piece was originally published in the October issue of the Chatham County Line for my monthly column. It is the second installment of a multi-part series of columns on writing and publishing in the 2020s. Here I write about discoverability, “whale” readers and the rise of audio as publishing changes that affect both readers and writers.

Think about the last time you read a book. How did you find out about it? Twenty years ago, you might have seen a book review in the pages of a magazine or newspaper. This is less likely to be true now. More likely is that you stumbled upon an author reading their work on YouTube, heard about a book on a podcast or you’re already subscribed to a favorite author’s newsletter and receive their updates. You could be a Goodreads aficionado and seen a recommendation there about a book, or maybe you’re a member of a book club. You might also have typed phrases into Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, or Google and searched for the kind of book you were looking for, finding thousands or even hundreds of thousands of results.

And, of course there is still the wonderful word of mouth recommendation by a friend that shares, “I just read the most amazing book! You have to read it, you’ll love it!”

In the last column I talked about how major shifts in publishing, during the last decade, has created new opportunities and challenges for writers. How people find and read books has also changed, dramatically affecting writers.


If you hang around a group of writers long enough, you’re bound to hear them discuss their use of social media and strategies to both find and engage readers. And, it often isn’t a happy conversation. In an ever growing ocean of content, writers, especially emerging ones, have to work much harder to be discovered by readers.

read the rest of the column here.

Dear Creative Community,

I hope you are having a fantastic holiday week. Given all of the hustle and bustle at this time of year, I wanted to remind you about my two holiday gifts that are just for YOU. One is a FREE webinar TODAY and the other is the opportunity to work with me (e.g. my new e-course which includes a coaching session)–that gift is time sensitive and the price and bonus expires late on 12/31.  I am also offering a special half hour coaching for $49 (also expiring late tomorrow). All details are below.

FREE webinar: ‘Affirm the Writer in You 2019”. This webinar is designed to allow you time to reflect on your 2018 writing accomplishments and chart what’s next in 2019.

During the webinar we’ll explore:

-The sequence of success on the author journey
-Trends for authors in 2019
-Cultivating the “maker” and “manager” energy of the writing business
-Harnessing urgency in order to write in 2019

-How to supercharge your productivity and sustain your momentum
-How to get unstuck and approach the page with more ease
-Cultivating audiences that love your work

(we’ll be able to interact in real time!)

No need to signup—just bookmark the details below

DEC 30th-3-4:15 pm EST

Dial-in number (US): (605) 475-4081

Access code: 380339#

International dial-in numbers:

Online meeting ID: bergermichele2005

Join the online meeting:

(copy and paste the above link–you’ll want to join the online meeting so you can see my slides!)

My second holiday offering to you is an opportunity work with me through my NEW e-course Charting Your Path to Publication NOW.

So many writers feel daunted navigating the submission process and often find themselves stymied by inevitable rejection and not making progress on the path of publication. I’ve been teaching this successful live workshop over the years and have taken all that wonderful content (and wisdom learned from what writers need) and created an amazing e-course.

This transformative course will empower you with the necessary tools and skills to move your writing forward in 2019

SPECIAL BONUS: If you sign-up by Dec 31st, you’ll receive a 30 minute coaching session with me!

Click here for the FULL DETAILS and see the fantastic price of this offering.

If you are interested in a short coaching session. I am offering a 1/2 hour coaching special for $49. Depending on your interests, we could focus on:

  • me as a a friendly first reader of your work (up to 5 double-spaced pages)
  • help you brainstorm where to submit your work/submission strategy
  • how to grow your social media strategies
  • how to create smack-dab in the midst of your busy life.
  • ways to harness both “maker and manager” energy for the writing life and business
  • creating a realistic action plan for your writing in 2019

If interested in coaching, please email me at

Offer expires tomorrow at 11:59 pm.

I look forward to serving you in 2019!

Dear Creative Community,

I’ve spent the past two months creating two offerings that will SUPPORT your writing in 2019. They are my holiday gifts to you. As you know I am passionate about serving you! I am only offering these gifts to my special community of writers and that’s YOU. They are time sensitive!

The first is a FREE winter wonderland pop-up webinar called ‘Affirm the Writer in You 2019′. This webinar is designed to allow you time to reflect on your 2018 writing accomplishments and chart what’s next in 2019. I bet you are craving time to write and reflect before the year ends! If you don’t grab this time now, when will you?

During the webinar we’ll explore:
-The sequence of success on the author journey
-Trends for authors in 2019
-Cultivating the “maker” and “manager” energy of the writing life and business
-Harnessing urgency in order to write in 2019
-How to get unstuck and approach the page with more ease
-Cultivating audiences that love your work

No need to signup—just bookmark the details below and I will send a reminder the day before.
SUNDAY, DEC 30th-3-4:15 pm EST
Dial-in number (US): (605) 475-4081
Access code: 380339#
International dial-in numbers:
Online meeting ID: bergermichele2005
Join the online meeting:
(copy and paste the above link–you’ll want to join the online meeting so you can see my slides!)

My second holiday gift to you is an opportunity work with me through my NEW e-course Charting Your Path to Publication NOW.

So many writers feel daunted navigating the submission process and often find themselves stymied by inevitable rejection and not making progress on the path of publication. I’ve been teaching this successful live workshop over the years and have taken all that wonderful content (and wisdom learned from what writers need) and created an amazing e-course.

This transformative course will empower you with the necessary tools and skills to move your writing forward in 2019.

SPECIAL BONUS: If you sign-up by Dec 31st, you’ll receive a 30 minute coaching session with me!

Click here for the FULL DETAILS and see the fantastic price of this offering. I hope you make the investment in your writing for 2019.

I am wishing you the healthiest and happiest of holiday seasons. Thank you for being a part of my community. I am inspired by your creative path.

Stay inspired,

P.S. Any questions about the e-course? Just shoot me an email at

Happy holiday weekend! It’s that time of year where our thoughts turn to gift-giving. Looking for ideas for voracious readers on your list? Looking for diverse authors? Looking for something for yourself? Check out poet Li Yun Alvarado’s holiday list–it’s got a GREAT list of recommendations and I’m honored to be on it! This list has something for everyone, including recommendations for poetry, memoir, literary and genre fiction. Li Yun and I were buddies at the AROHO residency in 2015. She inspires me in so many ways–as a writer and creative entrepreneur.

I’m teaching a writing workshop through my local community college on Saturday, October 27 called: Write Faster, Write Better: Author 2.0

I came up with the idea of this workshop as a way to encourage people who have always wanted to try National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) but wanted more guidance. As I was thinking about it, however, it occurred to me that it would also be the perfect place to share ways to “level up” in one’s writing life. So, even if someone doesn’t want to write a 50,000 word draft, they may want to play with upping their productivity in November. As the description below states, I’ll be sharing some powerful techniques and tools to hack your brain to write better and faster (without loss of quality). The workshop also will provide people an opportunity to discuss their writing aspirations, goals and strategies and evaluate what’s working and what needs refining.

So dear reader, my question to you is: What Does Leveling Up in Your Writing Look Like?

I really want to know the areas that you struggle with in your writing life and the goals you are working on. So, I have designed a very comprehensive poll. Would you be so kind as to take my poll? Getting this information here would be really helpful as the readers of this blog are writers and creators at all different stages. My workshop will be in person (see details below to register), but I also plan to create an online version, too. So even if you’re not local and can’t take the workshop, you may be able to take an online version of it later this year.

Thanks in advance! I will be sure to report back on the results!

Write Faster, Write Better: Author 2.0

Do you want to write faster? Do you want to write better? These goals are not in contradiction with each other! This workshop will teach you some fun ways to “hack” your brain to support increased productivity, outwit pesky inner critics and unleash your inner storyteller.

This workshop will help both discovery writers (also known as “pantsers”) and writers that outline find new ways to approach their work.

Write Faster, Write Better is also geared for writers wanting to try National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). We’ll spend time talking about how to best prepare for NaNoWriMo and how you can produce a 50,000 word draft in a month.

We’ll spend time exploring new ways to combat what stops us from writing including: procrastination, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and feeling overwhelmed with creative ideas. We’ll explore how other successful writers have found ways to write faster and better including Austin Kleon, Chuck Wendig, Jake Bible and Rachel Aaron.

This workshop is about busting through our own self-imposed limiting beliefs about our writing life.

Writers of every level, genre, and background welcome.

And, of course, there will be door prizes!

Register here

When fears are attended to, it clears the way for clear and simple writing that comes from your heart. Even the briefest attention can melt fear.
-Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, author

Last week, I began a series about spring cleaning for your creative life.

There are three steps in the process:

1) You reassess your space, your schedule, and patterns of mind to see what is supporting or not supporting your creative life.

2) You reorganize your space, schedule, and patterns of minds to allow you to create with more ease.

3) After reassessing and reorganizing, you rededicate yourself to having a productive and joyful creative life!

Reassessing your physical space is a great place to start because it is visible and you spend a lot of time there. Another thing to reassess during spring cleaning are your ‘patterns of mind’. By this I mean, the habitual ways of thinking and responding to your creative life.

One powerful pattern of mind is fear.

Fear can show up in so many ways in a creator’s life. We fear to write, draw, and sing badly, we fear rejection, we fear we won’t reach our potential, we often fear the blank page, canvas, music studio, etc. Fear often causes us to procrastinate.

Fear looks like not following through when an editor asks you to send them new work.

Fear looks like talking yourself out of registering for that art class that you’ve been dreaming about.

Fear looks like spending more time listening to writing podcasts than taking time to write.

One thing that helps is acknowledging and tracking our fears. One great way to do this is by keeping a fear journal.

In 2015, I had the good fortune of meeting the writer Daisy Hernandez, author of the incredible memoir, A Cup of Water under My Bed. During a talk she gave to my upper division ‘women and creativity’ seminar, she said that keeping a ‘fear journal’ has been helpful to her writing process. She explained that a fear journal is where she lists her fears that come to her as she begins writing (or even after she’s finished). So, while she works, she has her fear journal open on her desk. Sometimes she’ll write ‘Still afraid’, or she’ll name a fear specific to the project that she is working on.

What I love about this concept is that it acknowledges that writers tend to have lots of fears while writing and that it is powerful to capture them in one place. Fear is a normal part of the writing experience. Writing it down allows us to have some distance from the feelings that the fears evoke. A fear journal helps us to see the ebb and flow of our worries and concerns.

Fears never go completely away, but by employing self-reflective exercises, they don’t have to immobilize us.

Do you have a pattern of mind that needs some attending to during spring cleaning?


Image credits: Dreamstime; Shutterstock

What would it feel like to live your writing dreams in 2017? If you were experiencing your definition of success as a writer, how would you stand? How would you walk? How would you sit at your desk? What would you say to yourself? What would you say to others?

I know that you want that experience for yourself. As writers, we all do.

Now that the holidays are winding down, isn’t it time for you to start mapping out a plan that gets you closer to your definition of writing success?

This year, because of my connection to my Writing Self, I have experienced more joy in writing and more success than ever before.

What I learned this year is that when we are deeply connected to our Writing Self, we can live our highest vision as a writer. And, we can rock it! I’ve been doing a daily affirmation practice for the past 355+ days and it has changed my life.

I am hosting the Affirm the Writer in You: 5 Ways to Connect to Your Writing Self for 2017 webinar and I’m inviting you. It’s on Dec 29, 8pm EST.

It’s free and I’ll share a process to connect to your Writing Self and set yourself up for success in 2017. During the webinar you’ll find out:

  • How to deepen a connection with your Writing Self
    ·How to supercharge your productivity and sustain your momentum
    ·How to get unstuck and approach the page with more ease
    ·How to deal with challenges of time, energy, self-worth

Go here to save your seat for this live training! I’ll be offering some special bonuses to those on the call.

Get the support and tools you need to take your writing life to the next level!

Michele Tracy Berger

Michele Tracy Berger

Author, Academic, Creativity Expert I'm an award winning writer.

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