The Practice of Creativity

Posts Tagged ‘productivity

Hi creative peeps,

The response to my Declutter Challenge for Creative People has been phenomenal.

This is a reminder for the procrastinators (I see you!) and folks who meant to sign up but forgot—tomorrow is the last day to to sign up and receive two bonuses.

As I say in this video, decluttering is not just about moving things around. It’s about mindset. The process I have created stimulates inner wisdom and transformation. It’s about your future you, less overwhelm, and struggle. The link to the self-paced course is here.

In the video, I explore the concept of ‘backups’, irritants and perfectionism and how they relate going deeper into decluttering mindset work.

Course details here.


Submitting one’s work means being visible as a writer. So many creative writers struggle with issues of feeling worthy and deserving of a creative career they often don’t submit their work consistently and/or have a deep fear of rejection from industry professionals. In this video I share how I’ve worked on these issues for myself and on behalf of clients: ‘Cultivate Superpowers for Your Writing Life’. It’s about methods and mindset.

It was fun to make! At the end of the video, I share information about my successful online course Chart Your Path to Publication. There’s a flash sale on it through 12/31.

Happy Holidays!
I’m holding a FLASH SALE for Chart Your Path to Publication. My online course is a GREAT way to work with me in 2024 (and did you see that I have a BONUS VIP Goal Setting workshop and ENVISION LAB?).
ENDS Dec 31!
 Chart Your Path to Publication is an online course which starts in January 2024. I only open this course once a year.
My online course provides you a roadmap to expertly and joyously navigate your way through the ever-changing and volatile landscape of publishing.
This course will teach you strategies to beat the odds of rejection. You’ll learn how to select markets for your work, how to submit your work, track submissions, and find great resources.
If you come to the end of every year wondering why you aren’t more widely published, this is the course for you!
The reason why I created this course is because a vacuum exists in the writing field with helping writers understand and manage one of the key components of creating a writing career—submitting one’s work. There’s not much about the submission process in writing craft books, except to “just do it”. But this declaration leaves out so much, including 1) how to build relationships with editors 2) how to find appropriate venues for one’s work 3) how to track one’ submissions and 4) how to cultivate a resilient author mindset, especially in dealing with rejection.
I wanted to create a shortcut that would offer writers actionable information on how to navigate the volatile landscape of publishing.
I’ve added even more value to Chart Your Path to Publication:
-Bite-sized lessons
-videos on how to deal with inner critics and how to write better and faster
-2 Co-Writing Sessions in Jan 2024 (NEW!)
-a live Q&A Call
and a special VIP BONUS just for those who enroll by Dec 31!

VIP BONUS: Goal Setting Workshop: How to Set Writing Goals that You Love (and can Accomplish) in 2024 and ENVISION Lab (NEW!)

Check out all the details HERE get it by Dec 31 & make real progress on your writing goals in 2024.

Hi creative peeps,

In case you aren’t on my newsletter list, I wanted to make sure you knew about the FABULOUS Early Bird Special  I’ve created for my Chart Your Path to Publication online course which starts in January 2024. I only open this course once a year.

My online course provides you a roadmap to expertly and joyously navigate your way through the ever-changing and volatile landscape of publishing.

This course will teach you strategies to beat the odds of rejection. You’ll learn how to select markets for your work, how to submit your work, track submissions, and find great resources. 

If you come to the end of every year wondering why you aren’t more widely published, this is the course for you!

The reason why I created this course is because a vacuum exists in the writing field with helping writers understand and manage one of the key components of creating a writing career—submitting one’s work. There’s not much about the submission process in writing craft books, except to “just do it”. But this declaration leaves out so much, including 1) how to build relationships with editors 2) how to find appropriate venues for one’s work 3) how to track one’ submissions and 4) how to cultivate a resilient author mindset, especially in dealing with rejection. 

I wanted to create a shortcut that would offer writers actionable information on how to navigate the volatile landscape of publishing.

I’ve added even more value to Chart Your Path to Publication:

-Bite-sized lessons 
-videos on  how to deal with inner critics and how to write better and faster
-2 Co-Writing Sessions in Jan 2024 (NEW!)
-a live Q&A Call

and a special VIP BONUS just for those who enroll by Dec 15!

-VIP BONUS: Goal Setting Workshop: How to Set Writing Goals that You Love (and can Accomplish) in 2024 and ENVISION Lab (NEW!)

Check out all the details HERE and get it by Dec 15 & make real progress on your writing goals in 2024.

Hi creative peeps,

I’m super excited to tell you all about my number one resource for creating success & abundance in your business!

I’ve been a creativity coach and published writer for fifteen years and have had to learn a wide variety of skills besides writing to be successful. Let’s face it, most successful writers over time have to learn how to run a small  business. Many writers expand into providing services to other writers and creatives which requires adopting an entrepreneurial mindset. 

Most writers and creatives though feel underprepared in managing the business part of our lives. 

Help is here and it is called Leonie Dawson’s Brilliant Biz and Life Academy!

Leonie Dawson’s Brilliant Biz & Life Academy is absolutely packed full of courses, workshops, workbooks and MORE. There’s SO much goodness in there & SO many ways it can help you & your business (actual or aspirational) buuuut doors are closing verrrrry soon!

So if you’ve been thinking of joining THE essential program for peeps wanting to start or grow their business… you need to act QUICKLY.*

It’s genuinely the most affordable, comprehensive & deliciously useful invention around for entrepreneurs!

Who is Leonie Dawson and Why Do I Like Her So Much?

Leonie Dawson is an amazing artist and creator. In her early 20s Leonie was already being featured as a dynamic creative entrepreneur and winning awards for her art and business. I first learned of her work during the early 2000s, as she was featured in several books by my mentor Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy aka SARK. 

I’d been on her newsletter list for over a decade and always felt inspired by her work. During the pandemic, I signed up for several of her courses (40 Days to Create and Sell Your E-course, Money, Manifesting and Multiple Streams of Income, Marketing Without Social Media) learned TONS and have become a super fan. 

Her courses helped me to create and launch my Chart Your Path to Publication e-course that has been financially successful and a joy to administer. And, I have implemented ideas from her other courses that has made running my coaching practice a dream. 

The other thing I appreciate about learning from Leonie is that she makes learning about entrepreneurship FUN. She lives her values as a feminist, neurodivergent person, philanthropist, and champion of LGBT, diversity and inclusion issues. These values are reflected in what she teaches, how she teaches and the guest teachers she invites into her program.

I also value the community that she creates to support creative entrepreneurs. 

Currently it’s ONLY NINETY-NINE BUCKS per year… for over $5,000+ of Leonie’s powerful, proven & popular business, marketing & creativity programs.

So… What do you get? Honestly it’s probably easier to ask what DON’T you get, because Leonie has you totally covered!

You see what I mean about generous? 🤯


And there’s MORE:

She’s got programs on money, burnout, decluttering, how to sell (her Sales Star is one of the best programs ever, especially for folks who think they hate selling).

Need to finish that book or e-course that you’ve been wanting to do forever?
No problem-she’s got you covered!

And these aren’t quick & dirty programs haphazardly put together for the sake of looking like the Academy is full. No no no. Leonie has been creating these courses since 2018 (and creating courses in general since 2008 – she is the eCourse Goddess!!!) and they’ve been bought by literally THOUSANDS of happy customers. You can read some of their words here!

These are powerful, proven and popular programs that are incredibly comprehensive, all for $99US a year. As sooo many of Leonie’s students (including me!) say: These give just as much & even more value than $2,000 programs! So please don’t miss out on joining, because you’ll be missing out on SO much more than just a membership. You’ll miss out on connection, accountability, fast-tracked growth, business success and some of the deepest belly laughs you’ve ever had.

In three words? Totally worth it.

It’s time we make miracles happen!

*You have until November 30th before her prices rise.

Hi Creatives,

Let’s talk life-changing money books for writers and creatives.

I love books that help me cultivate a more abundant perspective.

I haven’t met an aspiring or established creative professional that couldn’t benefit from looking at beliefs and actions around money, creativity and commerce.

As the amazing visual artist Beverly McIver says, “feeling worthy is a learned behavior.” And, many of us don’t feel worthy of a creative life let alone one that brings us multiple kinds of success.

There are lots of things I can’t control in the pursuit of a writing and creative life, especially as an African American woman. But, I definitely can control how I value myself and how I cultivate my mindset about art, creativity and abundance. That inner work creates tangible results.

I’m sharing some of my favorite books that intersect with money and writing, commerce and creativity. These have made a big difference in my life and they keep me inspired.*

1) Prosperity for Writers: A Writer’s Guide to Creating Abundance

I have read many books on writing mindset and also many books on holistic approaches to money. It is rare, however, to read a book that combines the two in a wonderfully accessible way.

Honoree’s writing is clear, compelling and motivating. She draws on her long-standing experience as a writer and coach as well as interviews with other successful writers to provide practical tips and tools to explore our beliefs about prosperity and writing. The unique exercises are fun and if you work them, they work! They may push you out of your comfort zone but the rewards are worth it.

Buy the book or audiobook

2) Write to Riches: 7 Practical Steps to Manifesting Abundance from Your Books

Renee Rose is passionate about helping other authors find and maintain an abundance mindset to catapult their careers and create their best future. She shares her journey to being an 11-time USA Today bestselling romance author and her ups and downs along the way. Her exercises bring in the body and our emotions as it relates to expanding our ideas of abundance-this approach is a standout.

Buy the book or audiobook

3) Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living

This thought-provoking collection of essays has an all star line-up of prominent writers including Cheryl Strayed, Jennifer Weiner and Jonathan Franzen. This is less of a money mindset book but more a look at the ways in which working writers make money, manage money (or don’t), and the ups and downs of a creative career. I appreciated that the collection includes a range of writers who have worked as freelancers, copyeditors, scriptwriters and as ghost writers.

Buy the book or audiobook

4) Prosperity Pie: How to Relax About Money and Everything Else

This is one of my all-time favorite books about money and the creative life. Written by writer, artist and all around creative genius Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, aka SARK. This was the first book that made looking at one’s money beliefs and creativity feel safe and fun! She tackles the question: How can we feel prosperous (and creative) “no matter how much we have or do.”

Buy the book

5) Get Rich, Lucky B*itch: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life

Yes, this book has got a naughty title but it’s been a game changer for me and for a lot of women.

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a podcaster, author and entrepreneur. She began her business writing on her blog and turned that into an enterprise that has earned over 30 million dollars. Her book explores the often negative social and cultural messages women receive about money due to gender socialization. She highlights common ‘money blocks’ for many women and how to overcome them so that you can create a life that you love.

Buy the book or audiobook

*links to books are affiliates. I may earn a small amount at no additional cost to you. TY!

Hi creative peeps!

Since it’s spring, it’s a natural time to tackle decluttering. Did you know that I consider decluttering a *transformational practice* for creatives? Decluttering includes examining our space, schedule and patterns of mind.

I’ll be talking about the whys and hows of spring cleaning for creative people at a Youtube Live event on Sunday, May 14, 3pm EST. It will be my first livestream event and I think it will be a blast!

Come join me, ask questions and let’s talk about the joys and challenges of decluttering. At the end I’ll do Q&A and take your writing questions.

Bookmark this page (my Youtube Channel is ‘The Creative Tickle’).

Also, during that time, you’ll be able to receive my new Spring Cleaning for Creative People: A 3-Step Decluttering Guide.

Happy New Year, all!

The second most important step in becoming a published creative writer, after finishing a piece, is submitting one’s work.  It’s the one thing that most writers don’t know how to do well, don’t do enough of, or don’t do consistently.

I’d like to help you beat the odds of your writing being rejected as we launch into 2022.

Fear of rejection, lack of confidence, and overwhelm topped of the list of challenges writers told me they faced submitting their work. Many writers struggle with submitting their work consistently and finding venues. You may struggle with cover and query letters, writing a great bio or knowing how to manage editorial feedback.

I GOT you.  The wait is over.  And, just in time to get your 2022 off to a productive start.

My FREE mini-training ‘Savvy Submission Strategies for Writers’ is designed to help you shed your ‘invisibility cloak’ and gain the tools you need to send more of your work into the world consistently and with confidence.

It begins on January 5th and includes two videos and an amazing LIVE workshop with me on ‘How to Navigate the Submission Stream’ on January 9th that you don’t want to miss.

And, there will be some surprises along the way!

CLICK HERE to register for the FREE mini-training.

I know the long and challenging journey to publication and I want to create some short cuts for you. There’s so many things I didn’t know about the submission process and also what to do when a work is accepted (intellectual property rights matter!). This will help emerging and established writers (indie or traditional publishing inclined).

Nothing in this training is theoretical or fluff. It’s based on my fifteen year coaching career helping writers become published and my experience as an award-winning writer of fiction, poetry and nonfiction. I guarantee that this training will change the way you think about your writing potential as a writer and how you approach the submission experience.

CLICK HERE to register for the FREE mini-training.


Feeling stuck in your writing and storytelling? Are you not finishing things because you get overwhelmed with keeping track of your characters and plotlines? Frustrated with how you are plotting your novel or memoir? Are you painting yourself into too many story corners that you don’t know how to get out of?

Want to know how to bring a story full circle, connect the dots and create a fantastic ending? Want to know more about ‘story beats’ and how to effectively employ them?

Want some inspiring writing craft and mindset tips?

Great, my writer friend, Emma Dhesi can help! She is hosting a cool series that you’re going to love.

Emma has brought together 20+ writers, creatives, editors, and publishers for this complimentary training series. 

The Be a Bestseller: Structure Your Story of Success series is guaranteed to ignite your creativity. Many speakers will be sharing their expertise for better plotting and story structure and others will be focused on mindset issues. It is geared for novelists, memoirists and short story writers. She is a fantastic interviewer.

And, I’m ALSO one of the speakers! I’ll be talking about how positive self-talk can supercharge your writing life (as you know one of my favorite topics)!

And it’s totally free. Sign up here and see all the speakers:

BTW: If you are struggling with motivation and momentum in your writing, you might like my free guide: Ten Ways to Keep Connected to Your Writing Self during COVID-19.

Happy New Year!

I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions. But I do like to have a set of guiding intentions for the year which are different than resolutions or even goals. Intentions feel less rigid than resolutions. This year to support my intentions, I am trying something new—Chris Brogan’s 3 Word Process. Chris Brogan is a consultant and bestselling writer and he has been sharing his 3 Word Process for over a decade. I had never heard of his process though it is quite popular.

You decide on three words and they guide “your choices and actions day to day”. They represent one’s commitments for the year and as Brogan says act as “lighthouses”. From his practice over the years choosing three words is better and more powerful than four words or two words.

I like the simplicity of narrowing one’s focus to encompass three meaningful words. Also, I believe 2021 will be a transitional year (especially the first half) due to the pandemic. Last year, my well-groomed goals quickly flew out the window as was true for many. Adaptability and flexibility were key lessons for me in 2020, so there’s no reason now to get locked into rigid goal-setting given so many variables out of my control.

My words for 2021 are Systems, Replenish and Solo

Systems: I want to undertake systems level change and integration with my technology (i.e. multiple computers, phones, etc.), but also between my career, writing life and coaching business. I’m looking for efficiency and ease.

Replenish: Despite the pandemic, 2020 was the most successful year I ever had as a creative writer and coach across all metrics (e.g. publications, relationship-building, craft up leveling, revenue generated, and fun had). It was also an incredibly successful year in my academic career. I, however, burned the candle at both ends and have been doing so for a long time. I need fill the creative well.

Solo: I love collaborations and am good at them, but 2021 will be the year for discernment. Some of my academic collaborations are naturally coming to an end because our projects are nearing completion. Others, I will need to consciously change or end. As a writer and coach, I will use this word to remind me to weigh the pros and cons of a potential collaboration.

If you are looking for a guiding rubric in 2021 besides the standard New Year’s resolutions, you may enjoy the 3 Word Process. Find out more here. And, if you decide to use his process, please share your 3 words—we can hold each other accountable!

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Michele Tracy Berger

Michele Tracy Berger

Author, Academic, Creativity Expert I'm an award winning writer.

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