The Practice of Creativity

Posts Tagged ‘author websites

Hi writer friends,

I’m hearing from many writers that 2024 is a time for preparing for the next phase of success whether that is planning for a new release (like me!) or making significant progress on the next WIP. In the ever-changing writing and publishing market, and no matter what you write, an important component of being a writer is having a website where people can find you

If you’re an emerging writer there’s a good chance that you’ve been putting the critical task off of getting your author website done and checked off your list of to-dos. The delays could stem from imposter syndrome (who am I to create a website when I don’t have a ton of publications?), the potential cost, not knowing how to get started.


My writing colleague Li Yun Alvarado teaches writers how to build their own AMAZING website in just a few days without being a tech wiz! That’s right, you can have a beautiful, impactful, true-to-you website in 5-7 days through her successful self-paced course: Writer, You Need a Website! And, the best part is that you won’t spend $$$$ of dollars to do it. Her course is less than $300!!!!

Li Yun is a poet, essayist and activist. She loves helping writers get intentional about “crafting a writing life that you love and an author platform that will help you reach your big, dreamy, knock it out of the park goals.” I met her (and took one of her fantastic workshops) while at the transformative A Room of One’s Own Foundation (AROHO) residency in 2015.

Li Yun believes that your first real author website is about “claiming your writer identity and taking control of how You tell your writer story to the world.”  And, it’s not about being perfect. I love that!

She also knows you need a Website.

It’s that simple: 

If you’re a writer, you need a website.

Not in the fall, not next summer, not in a few years, not someday. 


Yep, I know that it’s something that you’ve probably been putting off.

Let’s change that today!

Writer, You Need a Website

When you enroll in Writer, You Need a Website!

  • You’ll learn why it’s critical to take control of your online author story early in your writing career.
  • You’ll learn why social media isn’t enough and why any writer who has published pieces (poems, stories, essays) needs a website.
  • You’ll learn her proven First Author Framework which outlines exactly to include on your first site (and what you can wait to add on down the line).
  • You’ll learn options to help keep website costs manageable.
  • You’ll get step-by-step guidance and access to tech tutorials, so you can build your site fast and with confidence.
  • You’ll learn what to do once your site is built, and have access to a resource library to help you as your site evolves in the future.

This is an AMAZING course as her many testimonials attest to. Add rocket fuel to  your 2024 by making an investment in you-one that gives you skills, visibility and resources, and finally, a great author website

P.S., You’ve probably got all kinds of questions (like the ones below) and feel some resistance to moving forward–especially if you are an emerging author. This is normal! Don’t let it stop you from moving forward. 

“I can’t justify spending money on an author website.”


“I sort of write and have a few publications, but I’m not far along enough in my writing career for an author website… am I?”


“I’m tech-phobic; there’s no way I can build an author website on my own.”


“An author website will be nice eventually, but right now social media works just fine for me.”


“I don’t want to blog!”


“I’ll get around to building an author website once my book gets picked up.”

Li Yun addresses all this and more here 

Social Media for Writers: 7 Strategies

Saturday, March 23, 10am-3pm, Central Carolina Community College

Hi folks,

It’s March and I have a great workshop, Social Media for Writers: 7 Strategies, coming up in just a few weeks! I’d love for you to attend. At any given time, you can find writers talking, arguing and lamenting about the expectations of social media usage for writers. There’s often not a lot of joy in these conversations. The debates over how to use social media (and what for), also reveal ambivalence about other necessary skills writers most often need to develop–promotion and marketing.

Whether you aspire to be an indie writer, traditionally published or hybrid author, creating an online presence is part of a savvy writer’s toolkit.

Creating an online presence and managing social media helps writers build relationships with other authors, fans and industry professionals. It also can generate leads, provide exposure and advance your professional goals and aspirations.

With the millions of choices out there, potential readers need to know how to find your work, understand your unique perspective and connect with you.

Social Media for Writers is geared for writers interested in creating or beefing up an online presence. It is also geared for those writers who want to know more about how to use social media effectively in getting them closer to their writing goals.

We’ll spend time exploring the challenges and opportunities of various platforms (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and learn novel ways that writers have used these platforms to promote their work and engage industry professionals, readers and fans.

We’ll also talk about author websites (what should be on them?), blogging (is it still worth doing?), author newsletters (when should you start one?), and importantly–how not to get overwhelmed in managing your social media.

And, I promise you it will be FUN and of course, there will be door prizes, too! More below…

Social Media for Writers: 7 Strategies

Does the term author platform make you cringe? Are you overwhelmed by conflicting advice about how often and in what ways aspiring (and professional) writers should be engaging in social media? Do you think that talking about an author brand minimizes one’s creativity? Does talk of authors using Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram make you want to stay in bed and pull up the covers?

Find out ways to effectively harness social media to meet your goals and have fun while doing it.

This workshop will help you make informed choices about how you represent yourself online.

Writers of every level, genre, and background welcome.

Register here


Michele Tracy Berger

Michele Tracy Berger

Author, Academic, Creativity Expert I'm an award winning writer.

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